✨#2 in my theme #PastelVibes & #BestieGoalz✨
💦This collage is dedicated to the amazing pastelbliss13. Tysm for sticking up for me, especially through tough times. #FightForOurRights #Anti-Hate #Anti-Copy💦


•click• ✨#2 in my theme #PastelVibes & #BestieGoalz✨ 💦This collage is dedicated to the amazing pastelbliss13. Tysm for sticking up for me, especially through tough times. #FightForOurRights #Anti-Hate #Anti-Copy💦

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OMG! Seriously?! Did you tried taking to her? Or she just ignored you? That's really mean of her...
You should just go find other friends 😒 but did you ask your other friends if they know why she's acting that way? If she doesn't apologize you need to find new friends 😁🍬
Aww...thank you!
It would mean the world to me if you entered my contest please.😊😉🙌💕💗
thank u girl! ur beautiful at heart😘
what font do you use for the lines