Collage by My_Nonexistent_Life


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oic:) ofc ppl care, I do, at lot!! please don't go on private πŸ’–β€οΈ
pls be public again😭 I was upset when I found out, you've been so nice to me on your other account! πŸ˜šπŸ’• i bet lots of people care!
please go public!!!! I ❀️❀️ your edits acc. we all love you and you are amazing and we all care!!! ❀️❀️ if this is just about being single, it's ok a lot of are single or have been single and we can help you through it.
oh ok. I'm sorry for assuming that. please forgive me. πŸ˜₯
I just want everyone to be happy and we all need some hope
your welcome :)
Jess! I care! πŸ’™
it made sense. but Jessica, it's not about the amount of people that care. it's about how much they care. it's about how much all that love adds up to. would you rather have 200 friends, or 10 best friends? there may only be a few people that care, but hey, that doesn't mean anyone cares for you any less. just keep that in mind. 😊
sorry for the mini speech thing 😁 I got inspired πŸ˜…
Go on public again Jessica bc I'm gonna leave PC in a week or two and no ones going change my mind. The reason I'm leaving is that I've been getting more and more home work I really need to bring my grades up bc I have As and Bs but in English I have a C and I've never had a C before but I hate my English teacher bc she needs to get her Ε›hΓ―t together, she cares more about what's going on in the middle school kids lives(Not family stuff like gossip and Ε›hΓ­t) than getting grades and papers in. I'm also leaving bc volleyball starts soon and u need to try out to be on a team and I really don't want to be on the bottom team so I need to practice and another reason is I spent so much time on PC that I forgot there was a real world... I have some thing I need to fix in my life and I need time for that I don't want to leave bc I'm going to miss u... u were the first one(When I came back for my fall thingy) to be a true friend to me and that meant a lot. I'm really going to miss PC but I have things I need to fix, apologies I need to say/make(?πŸ˜‚), Lifestyle changes, Grades, ectπŸ˜­πŸ’– Im never going to forget u though u were a true friend and still areπŸ’– Ily Jessica(as a friendπŸ˜‚) I'm not leaving yet but in a couple of weeks I am😭
I'm really glad u talked to someone about everything I hope it gets better and I hope ur strep throat, kidneys, and bones get better soon I'm sorry those things happen especially that they happen to u but I know u can fight it offπŸ’–πŸ˜˜πŸŒΊπŸŒ™β˜οΈπŸ’¦βœˆοΈ
Good luck at the spelling bee!πŸπŸ˜‚πŸ’–
ty for the spam I love your accs😌
Sadly yes...😭 Yayyyy!πŸ’– Np😘🌺 I'll miss u tooπŸ˜­πŸ’–πŸ˜˜πŸŒΊπŸ’¦βœˆοΈπŸŒ™β˜οΈ
I need to see your collages😭😫 please don't stay on private.
and what do you think of the awkward puppets?