TAP (only supernerd2)
You got Braun right well... I got
Schneider sad😔
I got McNamara for Social Studies
I got Ivarson for Math😀
But hopefully I will see you at lunch!


TAP (only supernerd2) You got Braun right well... I got Schneider sad😔 I got McNamara for Social Studies I got Ivarson for Math😀 But hopefully I will see you at lunch!

11 0
Wahhhhhhh! Stupid school teachers :(
i am really hoping btw I'm on my mac
i hope some or keerthana are with us because i don't really know anyone who won't reject me other than you guys...
*sume and vicka and keerthana
hey, can you call me later? my phone is in the directory under Ti
Im so sorry I'm stalking you with these comments I'm just so bored
oh also my mum throw away the homework instructions and there is not a copy on the website so remix me the instructions pic
this would be a lot easier if yo called me :-|
i wish i have a power to make you look in your iPad
now i can't even see my own comments
sure in a few minutes
oh great
Hope u r on soon