Hey guys I just got back from the gym, anyone wanna talk?


Hey guys I just got back from the gym, anyone wanna talk?

19 1
what's up
nothin wbu
nothin really, layin in bed resting my broken leg :(
ouch what happned
when I was in a full sprint today in gym (I'm super fast, soccer and football skills) my leg some how gave out and I fell strait on my knee
and I only landed on my left knee the rest of my body didn't touch the ground so all my body weight was on one knee and it cracked
the worst I've done is dislocated my shoulder broke my collar bone sprained my neck and was in a comer for 2 months
in rugby
I got stood on
I was in rugby for awhile. the worst I did in rugby was I got pushed and rolled and I broke my hip, neck, and shoulder all at the same time