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Awh love you too! no flirtin with him babe. 😂😂🙄❤️
I'm not flirting with him but he really likes you too
I know. and really? he does? ☺️
yeah he told me
yay. ☺️
you're my lover❤️ remember that
do I have permission to flirt with him baby? 😂❤️
you have permission to flirt with him baby
thank you! I'm going to delete some of my posts.
idk. just feel like it. I'm back btw
but don't delete them
okay. maybe! and I CANT BELIEVE HE LIKES ME. AHHHH 😫❤️
it's cute
haha. 😂
I is sexy
dang right baby girl. he was on then he wasn't. where did he go?
he had to eat. and I is always sexy
ah. okay thanks. and dàmn right.
yeah😍 I'm a babe
I'm a bigger babe! jk 😂❤️ you beat me by a looooong shot!
nah you're the hottest babe ever
haha. thank you thank you
haha. wyd? ❤️
laying in bed
fun. I'm cleaning my room.
lol that's fun
I don't think he's coming back..
he hasn't been on for over an hour. maybe he'll be on tomorrow 😔
yeah I'm sorry baby
it's fine.
I love you
I don't think he really likes me. he could pick anyone, Ik he wouldn't pick me
want proof
sorta. there is no reason he would like me. he might say he does but I think it's to make me smile.
he wants to date you
I saw the messages. he doesn't want to date me, he said he likes me. there is a difference.
dude he really really likes you
nah. just like
bruh do you believe me or not
idk. I have to go. bye.
bye love you