How do YOU get followers? Are you one of those people who has like 1000,2000,3000 followers? If so, how do you do it? People like me with 30 followers always wonder. Please comment your answer.


How do YOU get followers? Are you one of those people who has like 1000,2000,3000 followers? If so, how do you do it? People like me with 30 followers always wonder. Please comment your answer.

5 0
Work hard :)
nice! thanks!
anything else?
Hi! I have 15,400 followers. My tips would be: Follow a lot of people, sometimes they will follow you back. The way I got so many followers was that I tried really hard on some collages, and 3 of them were featured! If you put a lot of passion and feeling into your collages, people will notice and be drawn to your page. Idk if this helps, but I tried! - celestial_foxfire😏
thanks. that really helps!
Hi!!!! I don't have as mush as celestial_foxfire, but I have a lot of close friends on Pic Collage, and how to get them I'd follow lots of people!!!! Follow anyone who has ever commented a nice comment on your page or anyone else's defend people with hate pages, put lots of work into your colleges, comment a nice comment on every pretty post you see!!!! Also give shoutouts for really nice people and like a spam people (that's when you like a lot of their collages!!!!! Hope this helped!!!! ~~PotterNerd22
hi! thx so much PotterNerd22, I'm going to try that now. πŸ‘ŒπŸ»β€οΈ
I have three accounts and my first one I've had for almost a year now and I only have around 300ish followers (not that I'm complaining) in this one I have 800. I would say that if someone follows you, check there account to see if it's appropriate and then follow them back! another good thing to do is to comment nice things on other peoples collages, also stuck with the people who have around the same amount of followers as you, they'll totally help you in ways you could've never imagined! last but not least is to give people like spams, nothing puts a smile on my face like that does! try to give different people some likes! Hope this helped -FollowingEveryoneRP
omg. that is so helpful! thanks!πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
TYSM you all!!