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I like this one... Rate 1-10!!! Thanks guys!

31 3
this is really really good 😍❤️
it's a total 100/10
Love this!! 😍😍😍😍😍 Definitely 10000000000/10!!
10/10 :)
Are you going to do my giant collab? If not I'll pick someone else. I'm about to remix it again.
I'll get back to you in a sec I have to find out what people have already been asked
Okay one person can't tell me rn who they asked so I'll let you know, but the people I remix are totally off the list to ask bc the already are doing it. Just pick 6 people and let me know who, then we will pick a time that everyone can do and work on it.
Okay, Kawaii_Chibigirl didn't pick all of hers yet but she picked four already. Here they are(check remixes)
help us! BeingScarlet has a hate page causing her to wanna quit! report the hate page: BeingScarletHate plead help us we want her to stay!