I hate my height.


I hate my height.

26 0
Not comfortable saying my age, but I'm 5'3"
Keely, I still love you forever and. ever❤️
Ty, sweetie ☺️
Yw, Mrs Johnson❤️
im 13 but 4"11 or 5"
I'm 13 and I'm 5'2"
I'm 13 and I'm 5"5
Oh Satan.
Thirteen, 5"6
not comfortable saying my age and 5"0
I'm short
14 I'm 5'4"😂
14, 4'11
10 5"5 IM SO TALL
I'm 5"4 and 14
15 (16 in a week) and I think I was 5"4 last time I checked
I'm 13 and I'm 5"0
I'm 12 and I'm 4"11 :(:(so I feel ya
13 6"0