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listen Shae u have to move on! B is going to find another girl he might go back to dating gabby remember? TJ is a sweet guy
Gabby is just his friend remember? and I try too..and I do like TJ..but there's another..guy
oooooh whoooo? well i know someone who used to be just friends and I'm not go. a say anymore cuz it will kill u
oooh whooo?
tell me Cupid
it's Sam
it's Sam
how long u known him?
he kissed me on the cheek
AAAAH!!! omega omg!!!
so who u like most
RIP I'm so sorry for your loss
it's ok..
Brandon won't be on a lot and Sam is. b only came back for a bit
u bck
Look..I know I need to move on,but I'm not going to..
not going too..
I know it's hard
-has tears- yup..
but I've been thru it too and it does get better and easier