i was a 3 but now i'm a 1 :)


i was a 3 but now i'm a 1 :)

42 0
2 tbh
re // same honestly
1 & 4
3 but it's now a 2. I'm still confused because like D A N I E L?
a 4 at first but now a 2
2, it's giving me a small bout of anxiety periodically when I think about it
4 but now im just sad
4 now 1
highkey just 1 idc
1 bc it's his choice and he's. it acting different (like his content)
2 and 4, but I completely understand why he did it… That must get really annoying
honestly 1
1 tbh
3 then 1
went from 1 to a 4 then back to a 1
3&4 but now i'm 1&2