Heheh felt those lyrics suited the picture!😌


Heheh felt those lyrics suited the picture!😌

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sorry I was getting my presents together so I could take photos! I just checked and the 1989 stuff isn't on sale yet😰!
yeah... I don't think the break thing was true. Taylor never actually confirmed it on twitter or Instagram...
hey babe... do you wanna make our messaging more private... do you have an iPhone??? and sorry that sounded creepyπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
my fave scent is most definitely Wonderstruck Enchanted😘#SOOOOOGOOD!!!!!!!!!!
yes I'd love to collab! do you wanna start or shall I? also what theme do you wanna do? 😌
ok I'll get started on a collage soon!
ok so I remixed you the collage I started can u add like a quote or something? and then remix it back to me, thanks! 😘