💬 how do you describe this to ppl who weren’t there? […] 
that we bonded over shared art, thoughts, and pictures? that our lives were so strongly intertwined to meet and then part ways? how I wish pc wanted to keep this alive, for the good ol days


💬 how do you describe this to ppl who weren’t there? […] that we bonded over shared art, thoughts, and pictures? that our lives were so strongly intertwined to meet and then part ways? how I wish pc wanted to keep this alive, for the good ol days QOTD: N

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💬 how do you describe this to ppl who weren’t there? […] that we bonded over shared art, thoughts, and pictures? that our lives were so strongly intertwined to meet and then part ways? how I wish pc wanted to keep this alive, for the good ol days QOTD: New Year’s resolutions? AOTD: be more confrontational about things and take better care of my physical health
the vibe is so unique
aotd: to try and glow up physically mentally and emotionally, and to write more LOLL
your caption is 🤌🏼🤌🏼
i’m okay thank you for asking!! really tired haha. my new year has been very boring lol. hbu??
Kat... you can't just post this and think that's okay, like I'm having feelings about this
But firstly, this looks amazing!! I love the layout with the texts 😍
But like, I feel this so so much. Bc I have never told irls about pc, this really is MY little space and it feels a little insane sometimes, but even though you barely know the people you also get really close?? Like I sometimes literally miss people that left. It's such a small, tight community, you can't find it anywhere else. You've managed to capture all of that so well, love, love, love it 🩷
And also it makes me so mad pc is letting our community fade, like they should be cherishing it instead of hiding!!
ooh okayyy. we love a diy queen. there was a shrek fest in my city once but never went cuz i forgot about it. but i’m pretty sure it a yearly thing so i’m definitely going this year.
^^I agree with anouk! the old days where everyone was here was so lovely. I miss everyone.
is so cute btw. and I have told some irl people about it but they don’t understand how actually sweet this little corner of the world is 😌
Pchq doesn't know what they're missing 😤
For real!! It's so weird how a site full of strangers can feel so safe, but also in a way it's because it are strangers. I will always be grateful for the people of pc to give me a space were I can experiment with poetry and the images that go with it. There's no other place I would ever dare share it all so freely and I really wish pc would understand what kind of magic place they've created
And the fact that yes pc made this perfect platform for us to connect on, but really when you think about it, it's the people who really made it. Glad some of us are still sticking around ❤️
Also side note: my captions still aren't working and when I contacted pc they literally ended up saying: "As our app continues to grow, we've been reflecting on how our social features can evolve to grow with us. As a result, there are certain features we have decided to de-prioritize and/or stop supporting." So basically we're all scr*wed
i'm so glad to hear this! i'm doing pretty well, thank you for asking.. i've been very busy because of school & upcoming exams these last weeks but i went to a big party this weekend & it was so much fun - i met a lot of new people :)) what have you been doing lately?
my new year is quite good so far, i'm looking forward to see what life gives me in these next months.. BUT i can't believe it's already 2024! what about you? how's your new year?
i think if you're not in the community, you don't understand what it means.. the people here enrich my life so much, i feel very connected to many of "us" - there is always someone there for me when i'm not doing so well, there is always someone who puts a smile on my face after a long day. AND i'm so grateful for that! thank you for posting this, this is BEAUTIFUL by the way💓💓
that sounds so fun!! what have you been doing lately??
hiya! how you been?
thank you! it feels so good being back on and more active I’ve missed you so much!! how have you been? 💗
For real!! Also their last post being like oohh pc social is changing and then they just disappeared?? All they did was hide them even more and then they kept making new (paid) backgrounds and stuff like that's what we want 💀
Aahh tysm Kat 🥰
That's such an interesting take and definitely worth a poem sometime, but this one goes in another direction 👀
thank you so much!! how are you doing today??💜
omg breakdancing??? that is the COOLEST thing EVER????
been doing great! trying to draw sonic the hedgehog characters and NOT doing well lol. how are you?? any weekend plans??
of course!! how are you doing?
I’ve been good! what have you been up too?
Thank you Kat 🩷🩷
Love how you always share your view on my poems, it's amazing to see all the different things it means to people :)
Thank you!! Yes, I too need me some dark fantasy every once in a while :)
What a mood. I have so many ideas, but I'm also starting to really feel how de@d pc is and it's not like I ever did it for the likes or whatever, but nowadays so few people comment and engage and it's just feeling like it's not worth it anymore, like idk, I wanna stay and keep this thing going, but it all feels a little hopeless anyway
Anyways, I hope you're doing well!!
Exactly!! I also feel some weird commitment kind of thing towards pc?? I don't wanna just leave this place behind and while I used to never think about leaving, I feel like I'm slowly going to a point where staying just isn't worth it anymore. Not that I'm leaving soon or anything, but if pc keeps declining like this, I probably won't stick around as long as I once thought I would
Yes, I'm doing good too :)
Thank you ❤️
Pffft all my poems lately seem to be slowly going from are we still friends? To welp guess I don't even really miss you, but just what we had. So that's progress I guess?? Yay us!!
Yes, yes, yes, exactly!! You always perfectly know how to word it. So strange how we hold such intense feelings for a social media platform, but then again it all comes back to this collage of you and how much this little community means to the ones who've experienced it.
hey kat, how are you? ♡
hello everyone, I hope you had a great weekend!! I changed my account a little and it would mean the world to me if you checked it out :) have a blessed day!! xx 📺✨🎞️☕️🫶 [feel free to delete this message, if you want]
oh my goddddd this is so heartbreaking and nostalgic to me 😫 you all on pc don’t understand how much you guys have helped me through 2021-2023 i’m so forever grateful for this community and it makes me so sad to see it’s inactive and that people are leaving 😪
hey!! how are you doing??🩷