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what is she mad at u for maybe I can help me and my BFFS get in fight about things all the time
why is she mad? if you tell me i can help
ask her why she is mad. when you know then talk it out
she said she was hanging out with her other friend
then why is she mad at you?
try talking to her calmly.
oh my gosh in that problem its actually her fault. she needs to learn you can also have pther friends and hang out with them and not only her just basically the answer to your problem is tell her: hey, i think you shoulnt be mad at me for that reason i also habe other friends and i cant hace my whole life just hanging out eith you i also need to ve eith my other friends, im sorry if you felt bad but i have other friends too 👍🏻 just tell her that and she will probably come to reason and be just fine with it. it hapenned all the time with a friend named mirielle she did that all the time! hope you can solve the problem amd my advice helps ily❤️ bye!
sry for bad writing i did it fast
OMG! I'm in the middle of the stupidest fight with my BFF!
omg the same here
the reason is SO stupid
that happened to me were not best friends anymore and it got pretty serious
nobody can force you to do anything I suggest you ignore it