How can we make the feature system better?


How can we make the feature system better?

13 0
OOf there is so much 4 this one 😂😅
I hunk the main one should be once an account gets to maybe 1000 or 500 followers pc should look at their ac
account and give them a feature ?
but also give newer users (like me😉) a chance to be known :)
OHMYGOD SOOOO MANY THINGSSS MAYBE GIVE NEWER ACCS (LIKE ME) A CHANCE also maybe collages should be “handpicked” look just go to @THATSHOULDNOTHAVEBEENFEATURED account and you’ll see
like, there a colleges that are just random photos pushed together and they get featured???
I agree^
feature users that are ACTUALLY GOOD?!
Some of the stuff on that page is absolute trash
there should be a required amount of likes
feature some unpopular accounts, because all I see is accounts that are featured have over 100 followers.
stop featuring the same 8 ppl. it took me 4 years to get a feature.