I swear when our lips touch I can taste the next 60 years of our lifes


I swear when our lips touch I can taste the next 60 years of our lifes

63 0
one of the kindest most talented people in this app got hacked today. 😭😭😭 her beautiful account's name was watermelonboca. the hacker deleted the account which is awful help Juliana (watermelonboca get her followers and likes back) 😭😭😭
um... no offence girl, but I think the photo is inappropriate
it's just her swim suitπŸ™„πŸ™„I bet u wear a swim suit
how did u take that shot
did someone take it for u
^^ you'd have to be Jesus to think that's inappropriate πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚