Fรปck homophobes 



Fรปck homophobes ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž

27 1
I'm European get off my back
Eh I'm gonna pass. Although I'm Irish so I am a potato overlord, I'm not too mad on potatoes. Although my friend just said she thinks we have them here but they're called potato croquettes, which leads me to believe we have them but they're just not branded
Okay just
Okay but that answered nothing
Tbh I only knew you were singing your national anthem because of that one time Alex Gaskarth sang it at a baseball game in Baltimore is that bad
Ehhh I know the US one and the Irish one, naturally. I don't know the Canadian one even though my mom is Canadian and I have been and who the fxck knows the English one (I'm not English so there is no reason for me to know it)
no like literally no one knows it
I know its name and nothing else
I kind of sort of wish I knew the Canadian one
I know the Irish one because
you know
I have to
Wait are you from America or
I love how it's "I know the American one because American people sing it a lot" and not "I know the American one because I'm American"