Hey! 👌😜


Hey! 👌😜

3 2
Hi! Wanna be friends? You seem sweet, too!
Sure! Thank you! You seem really sweet!
You want me to make you an icon? It'll look bad so you don't have to use it though!
Yes please! If that's ok!
Can you please go on my page and find the icon sheet?
Oh wait.. you know how to remix, right?
Sorry that it looks kinda pixelated - I tried
Hiya Pastel Bae! New to pic collage, heh? Looks like you've already got 24 followers!! Definitely NOT like me! 😔 I started like at the start of the year with my fan page and moved onto this.. Can I please have some tips?
Sure! Don't worry, Luv_Anime will give you a Shoutout if you ask her!