Okie no more oc beans after this. THIS IS THE VERY LAST ONE.


Okie no more oc beans after this. THIS IS THE VERY LAST ONE.

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Echo:Hi... Akio:Sup! Yoru:Hello!
Hazel: *Smiles* Hello!!
Chesu:*Waves* Hi.
Hazel: *Smiles adorably at him* Hello
Chesu:*smiles back like le cheshire cat* How're you?
Hazel: Im good! U?
Chesu:Good too! (bork)
Hazel: So have Mythical and Alpha stopped fighting yet
MythicL: NOT TODAY!!
Chesu:Well... sort of.
Sage:SHUSH LET THEM TALK Chesu:*Glares at admins*
Mythical: Fiiiiinnnneee *Dissapears*
Hazel: *Sigh* *Randomly breaks fourth wall and now knows she is just Lan character* (OH FRICK!!)
Chesu:*Is still glaring at admins*
Hazel: You see them too huh? *Looks at the admins through the admin chat* (THEY ARNT SUPPOSE TO DO THAT!! THERE IS A GLITCH IN THE MATRIX!! I REPEAT A GLICH IN THE MATRIX!!!)
(FRICK) Chesu:Yeah. I thought I was the only one. They're always there.
Hazel: Really? (FRICK FRICK FRICK!!!)
Chesu:Yeah. When did you realize that we're just fictional characters?
Hazel: Oh just afew minutes ago...
Chesu:Yeah. Kinda depressing to learn your entire world and existence is a lie.
Hazel: Yep.... Welp Imma go just uh *Gets mouthwash*
Hazel: Nah jk *Throws mouth wash away*
Chesu: Ok. Good.
Hazel: So what do you like to do in you free tiem?
Chesu:I like to read, draw, and- *He mumbles* watch netflix...
Hazel: Dont worrie!! *Smiles* I liek watching Netflix too!!
Hazel: I also liek to draw and read. Books are awsome, I liek how they kind of just take you to another world.
maddie: *accidentally bumps hazel*
Hazel: *Nearly trips but catches herself* OML Im sorry if i was in you way!!
Chesu:Same! Hey, are you ok?