Okay but honestly, this makes me so mad. I don't even know much about her, but the fact that someone is such an idiot as to take someone's life just as they were finally becoming something??? Wow, that's petty and immature. Grow up


Okay but honestly, this makes me so mad. I don't even know much about her, but the fact that someone is such an idiot as to take someone's life just as they were finally becoming something??? Wow, that's petty and immature. Grow up

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Yeah. She was a singer that I really liked. I got really pïssed and shocked when I heard
she was freaking 22! she still had so much to live for. smh I just feel so ashamed of the world and humanity.
@caption just reminded me why I love you so much again 😭💓 that's so true tho no one deserves their life taken away from them .
true tho so let's call that fight off