By guys I'll be at school


By guys I'll be at school

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morning baby just wome up
cool I got to school
ok im going to the bus stop now text you when i get there
It sucks that we have school because I can't text you a lot
it's ok just funny
I hate ELA
I'm in social studies
But our first period is a remedial class
I'm not in school yet it's 7:48 where I live and I don't start till 8:14
Oh it's 8:53 right now
yea is the same time both was for use
my friend is telling all my friends about u and it's so funny she won't stop 🀣
🀣 your so lovely I will never leave you
I told my friends they started laughing πŸ˜‚ and said yea right then I showed them a picture they stopped laughing πŸ˜‚
Lol what are you doing
math in
I'm doing muon then we're doing a packet I'm almost finished with in social studies
oh cool
I don't knock w how long I can talk I'll try to talk as long as possible
yea me to
I'm so bored but lunch is next but I can't talk😫
I go to lunch at 1145
I don't know if I can talk in science that's my next period
ok I'm in choir after lunch
I have lunch a min before urs
Oh I'm so bored we have to go to google classroom and write notes 2 pages then another packet
I'm going to lunch
Text you later baby
ok love u
I'm back
I'm in Ela after is math then I get to go home
yea me to
It's the same for you
I'm getting out of school yay
Me to
so what u doing
I'm on the bus
Once I get home I'm going to talk ok the bus 🚌 is about to move
hey u on
I'm back sorry I had a snack
it's ok
Love you
love u to
what u doing
Nothing talking to you sorry I was busy
it's ok
so what did ur friends think of us dating
They were exited for me
I can't imagine us separating
yea me neither
ur the best bf ever I don't know what I would do without u
Me either your better then my ex your better than any bony I know can I ask you something
Can I ask you a question be honest
yea sorry had to go across the street because every Monday I clean her house for five bucks and hour
ok what do u need to ask me
Would you marry me your the best I've been saving this ring πŸ’ someone special and you are the best beautiful crazy funny πŸ˜‚ and you fantastic baby
I love you and will never break your heart β€οΈπŸ˜˜πŸ˜πŸ’
aww yea
Yay thank you for saying yes πŸ’ƒπŸ’β€οΈπŸ˜˜πŸ˜πŸ’πŸ’•πŸ‘„
yea ur the best
Ur the best to
babe u on
Yea I'm on I'm on until 1
What are you doing
nothing in bed
Oh me to thinking of you
yea me to I was so excited on the bus I was like oh my god he could be texting me right now and I'm not
my friend was laughing
love u
Love you I love when you text me
me to same with u
I'm bored your the only one to talk to
oh well I'm the best person to talk to sorry had to just say it 🀣
You are the best I mean I got married to you so you are the best
I can never forget you
aww sorry I fell asleep just saying