Role play


Role play

4 4
is it abt a fairy tale
I'll start
remix what you look like in the role play
*sitting on the corner of a street*
ok one sec
i am going to change to my other account
*im sitting at the side of a street drawing*
*i am walking were i see a girl*
*looks at you*
*i look at you*
*smiles* hey
hi whats your name
I'm Emma what's urs
my name is crystal
wow love your name
*chase walks by I smile and blush*
ohh you likey
*i look at you* phhsss no way
then why your blushing and smileing
no reason *look back at chase who is witty by a wall*
whats hes name
yeah do u like anyone!? *nudges u playfully*
yea his name is adam
awwww cute *smiles* so what school do u go to?
evil tech high
wicked I go to storybrook high
cool wait arent you snowwhite daughter
yes... *sighs* it's not all that great either
yea i am the evil kings daughter
dang harsh life man
yea so
sorry didn't mean to affend u
well my dad calling me got to go
*thinks great I ruined it* bye
*walks up to chase* hey chase
c: oh uh hey Emma *smiles* sky who's that girl you were talking to?
oh her uh she's a friend her names crystal
c: cool
yeah *smiles* so whatcha doing
c: *looks down at paper (the paper has a hear and in the middle it says "Chase+Emma"* n-nothing just drawing
I love drawing!
c: me too!
awesome! *blushes and smiles*
*runs up to adam and i blushes *
a: hi what you doing crystal
a: ok
a: do you wanna go out ?