Here's the Q&A page!! +quick comic with persona


🌸Click🌸 Here's the Q&A page!! +quick comic with persona

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can you cosplay as cow yoongi? 🐮💗🌱 Its the cutest! I'll show u picture here vvv
cutest thing ever! ^^^ 🌱😍💗🌈
and what shampoo do you use 😂😂 LMAÖ ! you're funny... anyway real question !
what are some of your favorite art styles? 💗
I hate dresses too :p dw
What's your favorite dessert ?
Which of your edits (all-time) is your personal favorite?
Why are you so nice💕? How did you start using PC? Which app do you use to draw? These are all my questions🌸
Which app do you use to draw?? who is your favorite character? Thanks❤️💕💕💦
why is your art style so cute? łmao, but what inspired you to have this certain style?
who's your ult. bias? 💗