Australian summers are the worst////qotd: what do you think of Australia/ when you think of Australia what comes to mind???


Australian summers are the worst////qotd: what do you think of Australia/ when you think of Australia what comes to mind???

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Kangaroos and my Australian friend from fifth grade
which means I imagine a small blond girl who could beat anyone's äss up if she wanted to
yes finally someone that understands what its like to live in Australia in the summer
40 degree days at school are one of the worst things in life
@Reader I can confirm that we have kangaroos in Western Australia and zoos
I think of terror and horrifying animals
1. there aren't snakes everywhere ITS A LIE 2. there are some cute animals like quokkas 3. the only terror is tony abbott
I think of the Nature there
I think of Australian animals, songs, and Steve Irwin