


26 7
I just deleted that comment I sent you because I thought it was weird.
oh god...
do you want me to talk to him?
can I talk to him heather? I wanna meet a new friend.
hey sorry
umm do u no what happened
I do now
Hey umm dude it's me Anahi Ashley is in science and it's like free time for us
Sooo umm I'm sry
it's fine my gf was fxcking using me no I'm perfectly fine 😒😒
your dating another guy wile you dating me how do you not think that's kinda bad
Look it's not like i care u can have my ex he likes u more thx for nothing 😡😭
what the heck is going on?!
even me?
Ok my ex jake likes u don't act stupid he said it to u he said he doesn't bc u asked him
you have another boyfriend that your going to go skate boarding with like do you think I'm dumb
Jake I'm sry I told u I shouldn't have told u I don't want to get in thins
why are you guys arguing. kill them with kindness.
But I can't right now cause of what u did
Y did u do this to me and jake
just listen to me. stop arguing and tell me what happened. I will help you.
Stop acting like u don't no any thing I read the txt messages I'm not stupid
tell me what happened.
Ok sure
ohhh wow really
Exactly y dude u cheat on jake he is a great person he is super nice and kinda cute but I'm not like those people who cheat on each other
I'm just mad because she try's to tell me oh I'm not dating anyone when she is she even said it
guys stop fighting!!! I don't understand relationships.
So y did u do it u no that people have feelings 2
Jake I'm sry I told u I shouldn't have said any thing
I have feelings. nobody cares about me though. I need someone to talk to me.
the other girl told me to and my own gf said put loud on my page that she was going to meet up with her bf so it's not like you could have changed anything
I'm sry either way but never mind
hi bestie.
jack tell me what happened. I'll help you.
what happened?
please tell me and I'll try to help you. I will make you happy if you tell me what happened.
it's fine we already broke up but she had been dating this other guy and wile she was dating me then she tried to say she wasn't but then she said it right on my page she was so yeah that's what happened pretty much
ohhh... well tell her you didn't like that.
I'm sry r a very special guy
*hugs* is it okay if I hug you? I'm younger than you anyways.
I did she just thinks that cheating is perfectly fine
wow. well what's her account name so I can yell at her?
it's that girl that is meeting up with that guy in Los Angeles
Hey now u no what jake did to me 😕😔
oh yeah I knew you were gonna tell him heather. I saw on his other pst. you said that you had to tell him.
I meant post.
just stop fighting.
guys if you stop fighting everything eill be okay.
well I'm sorry she tells me she had to tell me something every day
okay jack...
promise me you guys won't fight again.
she makes it hard not to
that's what I think but she doesn't even care
okay okay. just stop arguing and everything will be okay.
and I know it's not okay. cheating is not okay. my ex boyfriend cheated on me.
we were agreeing
Yeah i agree but jake didn't no until this happened I just wish I didn't tell him I just made everything worse
no bestie don't kill yourself.
every one just stop this is only between me and her so y'all don't have to get in to this just stop
that's mean.
Same 😔I'm sry it had to be this way
then if your killing your self why are you on pc
every one just stop already
I no I'm not suposed to be in this conversation
jack stop getting involved in this.
what do you not know
Hey sry I was a bxcht
Don't u dare mention the other one
yhow you want me to get out of it y'all are on my page
Or I am going to actually be a bxcht
and y'all shouldn't even be in this
Can u guys just say sry to each other even if u r super mad jake u will get it over it I had to do the same but it's gonna be fine trust me bruh
the jack who is talking. and sorry jack. I'm killing myself now.
And u r not a bxcht I'll leave if u want me to ok just say it but u don't have to be so rude
y'all al just want attention
What the fxck did I do to u
And I don't need attention ok 😠
not you the people that say oh I'm going to Kms if you were going to you wouldn't say it unless you wanted attention
That's what I'm trying to do but I just make things worse
no it's just that guy that was trying to help he wasn't he was making it worse
What guy
and he wanted me to get out of it when we were talking about me and my gf
I'm a girl! you assumed my gender!
oh I thought you said that you were a guy sorry
Speak English 😂😂😂😂
Sry about that
it's fine.
so why did you even want me to get out of it?
Ok so let's get this over with before it gets into some thing heather say sry and jake say sry
for what what did I ever do
Ok then never mind just forget it
Umm so now what
idk I'm just done
Wdym ur done
i don't even know
Ok let's just talk about something else is that fine
I don't know what to say. just stop!
we already have
I mean we already did
Jake umm can we talk alone plz
it's fine
jack I would like to be friends. I have no friends. well I do but they don't care.
ok let's be friends
ok cool
you should post more.
oh my god every one says that I can post when I want your the 4 th person that has said that
ok I'll post more