Okay but serious answer for triangles or circles: triangles like circles don't even have sides like are you even a real shape plus drawing them stresses me out idk


•Kachicka• Okay but serious answer for triangles or circles: triangles like circles don't even have sides like are you even a real shape plus drawing them stresses me out idk

19 0
that wasn't what I asked 😤
Well tough I didn't want to answer your question ask a better one next time 😤
but yeah I actually agree I hate drawing circles even in like tech with a compass it just upsets me when it's not accurate and triangles are better and easier and thank you
I did ask a good one 😤
Exactly like why is it so hard omg and compasses just made it even more complicated smh
No you didn't you didn't even give me a good option they both ugly shapes 😤
I know like I wish there was an actual thing that could draw circles instead of this thing that decides to take a walk whenever you really need to work it's so stressful man fxck circles
no triangles good circles bad shape 😤
remix me that pic of the Chinese ladie you put there
We're not mean circles are ugly ! 😤
Eggscuse me sguares as beautiful
Fxck yes