Bye I no understood life nowadays


Bye I no understood life nowadays

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don't 'delete' your life. you made a mistake by making a hate page, and waybackintolove's friends stood up for her. just say you're sorry and delete this account or at least delete your first post
you don't have to , you can turn this acc into a good acc and delete all the hate and begin again
don't delete your life, just ask people to forget this mistake so it is like you deleted a mistake. I will forget it if you apologize. we all need to make mistakes if we want to learn.
Don't ' Delete' your life. Everybody makes mistakes,and you made one today. You learn from your mistakes, just apologize to her. We stood up for waybackintolove today, not because we hate you, but because she is our friend
just re start this page:) and everything will be fine
everyone makes mistakes and you apologise and changed you use ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
everyone has some mistakes. just apologize and restart you're account. PC is a forgiving place. don't forget that๐Ÿ˜Š
I would change your icon and start posting good things about her. I think a few of us here could put in a good word to waybackintolove for you.
I never said I didn't believe you because you were black, and I also never said I believed her.
also what does it have to do with you being black?
^^ yep
please delete your account. No one enjoys what you post. Just delete it
also you say "No need to hate" WTH you made A FREAKIN HATEPAGE
K bye
that is because there is no point in hating
I'm not hating on you I'm telling you to be A BETTER Fร›CKING PERSON
If you hate on someone, maybe you should know how it feels to have people hating on you.
We are not telling u to die. We all know you are a much better person. So you need to apologize to ur friend.
Dont delete your life. No one deserves that. Just please change your username and post good things about her ๐Ÿ˜Š