Collage by adorkable15-ish


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can we RP on here?
you said you wanted to be Clary?
k, I'll start. *runs into you* oh sorry! sorry! I'm a klutz!
are you alright? *my boyfriend, Shane walks over* Shane: Claire, your so clumsy. That's why I love you. you alright..... what's your name?
my names clary and don't worry I'm a klutz too
ha, *i look over at shane* Shane, say hi. Shane: what's up? Me: ugh. boys.
you sure your all right? you look shaken up.
(you there?)
ya I'm fine it's just you caught me at a weird time *looks around*
how are you?
I'm okay it's just ... never mind
what's the matter? you can tell us. we are really good at keeping secrets
do you believe in .... demons
(I totes forgot we were doing this. sorry) No, I don't really. but the demon down there *points to the floor* yea, him. and I know a few.
oh... um.... inner demons yay i was talking about my inner demons