Dirty rp page for me and girls_rp


Dirty rp page for me and girls_rp

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hey baby lets get started
ready to rp
u first
okay so this is a master slave one
I will be the slave
*master have I been bad
ok sounds good.....ill be the slave if u want
*i scrub the floors with a rag*
*i tower over u* why do u ask?
*later that night* slave! come to my chambers at once!
okay master coming
*u take off ur shirt*
okay master*takes it off
*i smile and look at ur boobś* now ur pants
okay *takes them off
now take mine off
okay *takes hers clothes off
*points to the bed* go lay down and I'll join in a moment
okay master
I'm not ur master right now *crawls in bed next to her*
then what are you
ur companion in the biblical sense (sèxual sense)
oh okay *smiles*
*smiles back and french kîsses u*
*kisses back*
I will
tell me if you want to 😉