so it's been a year since i met you and now here we are, not talking to each other, and we're both an utter mess;; i'm admittedly more a mess than you but oh well,,, and i'm so tired of trying to talk to you, so ready to quit- but i won't; and i think it


so it's been a year since i met you and now here we are, not talking to each other, and we're both an utter mess;; i'm admittedly more a mess than you but oh well,,, and i'm so tired of trying to talk to you, so ready to quit- but i won't; and i think it

21 0
might be the death of me
:^( hey hope you're doing okay if u wanna talk or anything or whatever hi how ya doin I hope you have a good day tmrw too 💛
Whoever this person is, I hope things will get better between the two of you. don't quit. you never know how far you are from the goal. u could be one step from it or a mile or two away. I'm rooting for you. if u need any advice or anything at all, just talk to me. I'll listen