Collage by _Emo_Unicorn_


29 0
My mom is home
Cool ^_^
I ask my mom if can get da book
Okay ^_^
She said maybe
Did you convert the £ into $?
I forgot the number
Do you want me to work out how much it'd be?
Yes plz❤️
Only if you wanna though❤️
It'd be $21.95
I'll have my mom know the cost❤️
Lol, alright <3
Is $21 expensive?
Keely, can you write something really sweet in the one post that has a jar on it❤️
I'll try but I'm not good at that stuff.
You're amazing at it❤️
My hair is messy rn btw
Kate, I look really really bad.
No you don't
I do.
Why do you say that
Because I look awful.
Can I see a pic
You can see when we video chat. If you don't like how I look, just end the chat.
I won't end chat
Keely, it's hurts when say that kind of stuff about yourself
*Hugs* Almost ready?
I need you here with me
Imagine I'm with you.
I want here with me irl
Me too.
*Tears up*
Soon, Princess.
I don't even feel like video chatting anymore.
Keely, I just got on
K one sec.
Sorry if I look sad, and sorry if I cry some, I had a argument with my mom today
I logged back in
Are you on the website?
Make a new code cause random people are showing up