Super simple (like SUPER simple. The hardest part was figuring out where and how to put my watermark so it didn't look out of place like what even is my life) but I really like it soo...yeh. I'm also learning this song on flute. Asdfgdsa like do you ever


Super simple (like SUPER simple. The hardest part was figuring out where and how to put my watermark so it didn't look out of place like what even is my life) but I really like it soo...yeh. I'm also learning this song on flute. Asdfgdsa like do you ever

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Watermarks are a pain!!! I always struggle to make mine stand out yet blend in at the same time. πŸ˜‚ And I sorta taught myself this song on my clarinet. I think I wrote it down somewhere but I lost the paper. It uses the lowest notes of the clarinet so it sounds super cool. I love that song. ✨
continue caption: get so emotional over LOTR/The Hobbit music for no reason cause I do
this is amazing 😍
yeah, I hate having water marks so that's why I made my little logo kinda thingπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚