Collage by Im_just_Mangle


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hey what's the gender neutral term for aunt/uncle
how about ûnt or ûntłe?
just curious
also I'm not sure why I had to censor ûnt
I wish XD
what do you think?
and does that work for you?
no, I don't see our relationship has familial
we are very good friends tho
wow, I'm impressed
but what do you think of uñt/le?
if I ever have kids, is it cool if they call you ûntle mangle?
you're the best monster there is
👍 great
so what's up?
I'm posting more posts like it
😔what's wrong, dear?
what about life, specifically?
Re:// AAAAAA sorryyyyy I Didn't Answer back
if that's what works for you
what do you wanna talk about?
cats or dogs?
wait you write, right?
I love dogs
my friend travi and I have this game called backstory
where basically one person remixes an image
and the other has to come up with a backstory for it
it's basically the same as that
I'll remix the pic, okay?
lol that's okay
make it as silly as you want
that counts as a backstory
your turn
that's pretty funny
how'd I do?
that's beautiful!
I love it!
your turn
good story
do you wanna know their actual relationship?
okay so the old lady is queen of this fictional kingdom called avoreen
it's a matriarchal society
the little girl is her great great granddaughter
also the queen's name is Frida
I haven't figured out a name for the little girl
what should I name the girl?
that works
I think we should go with your idea of her being depressed and overshadowed
yes really
so Anna is the oldest great great grandchild
she's a very quiet child who usually hides
her closest friends are the queen and her cat, ruthie
also I'm going to bed
what's a fommy?