Collage by Baby-Hope


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ok I will
thank you sir
Sissy are you okay? *cries*
she's fine by she won't remember u sweetie I'm sorry
Hwopey!!! mesh pwosting wight now
thanks both willow and Zoe
sorry, not really. you've done all the help that u can
cwan mesh welp wif anyfing, Hwopey? *hugs woo*
ish Hwope gonna bwe Otay?
*pwushes woo away* Doctor: I'm sorry sweetie she just doesn't remember u *pats ur back
*cwies* Hwope it's mwe! swissy...
I wove woo Hwope... even if woo downt wemember mesh
*twilts hwead* Doctor: want to help Hopey say ur name? she can't pronounce anything except for ma so it would help!
otay! Hwope mesh is Zoe... cwan woo sway Z wike Zebwa?
to pronounce z we have to get her mouth in position. so, what do u think her mouth should be like?
good idea willow!
like where should her tongue be?
thank u willow that's very sweet of u
Swissy no!!! I don't have meh dress up bwuddy! *cries*
we can get her to no u better. like a fresh start
otay pout wur twunge hwere *points to the spot* Z
she said her first word!
*pwuts mesh twonge dere* Doctor: ok now make the z noise and at some point she will too
Z! *smiles and holds your hand* mesh will welp woo! twie mow. Z
*holds woo hwand bwack and tries but can't do it* Doctor: it's ok Hopey try again
We found her about an hour ago
Hey doc how's little hope doing is her speech well?Can she say words?Does she know colors?*laughs nervously*sorry to many questions-Ryan
she can say mama, red, orange, yellow, doggy, kitty. want us to teach her dada?
no I'm sorry want to teach her ur name?? or teddy
yes can you please teach her dads
I mean dada
ok *gets gloves on* I have to place her tongue in a certain place and don't want to touch her actual tongue
weally?! what's da idewa?
can woo teach hew Jill?
ok sure
start fresh!
*places her tongue on roof of her mouth
Will she be able to say it
we'll see. now just keep making the d sound and soon she'll try to copy us. it's what her intention is since she's so young
H-Hewwo Hope *smiles* woo pwetty
Doctors please notify me once she has learned more words-Ryan