I got 146 pieces of candy. And I'm on a sugar rush!


I got 146 pieces of candy. And I'm on a sugar rush!

13 0
I live in a small nieberhood and I got 72 pieces
Why are you so mean to me? She's not following you Is she! Ha.
hey. I'd appreciate if you could stop being mean to Swifty_Shine-IconsToo. pretty please? I understand if she has been mean to you too, but it's always good to rise above and not be mean back. thanks for understanding! πŸ˜˜πŸ’•
thanks for the follow! πŸ’—
np I'm sorry Megan ( swiftie shine)
thanks sweet girl! 🌸☺️
can u talk to swiftie for me she might still be mad
and I want her to delete the collage about me being mean bc that's not who I really am
I'm an always happy and kind person and I am so sorry for how I treated her
I'll do my best