Collage by warriors30and11


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Maddie? y u posting so much stuff on love?
I don't know maybe it's because I'm sad about Colton do you agree?
Maddie is everything alright?
talk to me Maddie!😥
Maddie answer me
Yeah I'm jut upset that he likes Natalie, Molly and Becca I'm fine with its just her, I don't know why, do you?! 🏀
sorry I don't😥 you need to forget about Natalie
Thx plus I think Ashton's a good choice for my second and my mom says he's her favorite. 🏀
Maddie you need a break! let talk about how funny the graduation ceremony was
Yeha your right and what's so funny
he was embarrassed by baby pics. he also hats to be hugged and 4 people hugged him
Haha that's funny and I would be the same!! 🏀
Guess what?
Ok so after practice today for softball I came into my dads car and I'm like thank god air then I'm like ohh book!
like ohh book sorry didn't send all of it
I hav never heard someone so excited for a book
exactly and then my dad handed me his phone and my game was paused and I'm like ohh mr crab!!
I know, what else is new? 🏀
hay! are you excited for the summer!?
yes, very I get to be alone at home if I'm not doing summer school! 🏀
how bout you?
I have to go to camp fo a week
oh yeah I hope you learn a lot!! 🏀
boooo! learning in the summer sucks
unless it is fun to learn. I going to do dance, singing( sorry can't spell?) and band
It's okay and if it's band it will be fun to learn!! 🏀 🎨
yay it will!😜😝😉
that's hope so unless your teacher is really mean!😤
I hope there nice!
But do you know what Iowa stands for?? 🏀
no what?
Idiot out wondering around! 🏀 😝
idiot out wondering around!
that makes no sense
Idiot Out Wondering Around get it I-O-W-A
oooooo! i get it now! lol😂
you still here?
hey and I eliminated a song form your post!
I know you did. I new you would pick that song!
I will see you tomorrow k?
me too night and see ya tomorrow
Love ya good night