~Try~ Colbie Caillat 
Don't compare yourself to others, your beautiful πŸ’›


~Try~ Colbie Caillat Don't compare yourself to others, your beautiful πŸ’›

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I just saw your comment on pic collage's account. it may be because ur internet connection isn't great, that is what happened to me because my internet connection wasn't good
thank you so much! I will have to check that out
that's ok😝
did you try uninstalling the app and then reinstalling it?
Thanks so much for the spam! It brightened my day ☺️
Anytime πŸ˜‰
thank for the spam!
can u guys remix anymore?
I still can't post or remix and idk why
it really annoys us. our friends bday is tomorrow and they can't see text comment. HOW DI WE WISH THEM HAPPY BDAY?
Right! they seriously need to fix this because no one is responding and it's almost 5 days that I haven't been able to post or do anything
woah. I think it's been almost three days I was hoping you would be able to by now that would've made me feel a lot better
I wish and I have tried everything
I can't post either and it's so annoying because I have so many collages that I'm excited to post :(
me too! I have a ton I was ready to post and I haven't been able to post for a week so now I see people posting what I was going to post a week ago 😭
I can't post either!! why is this happening!!
I haven't been able to post for 88 hours and it's ruining my life!!! yes I've been counting!! that's how painful it is
I feel it, I have tried spamming both PC accounts and nothing is working, I tried to send an email to them twice then it crashed and I read don't want to get rid of my account so they seriously need to fix this since my followers don't know either so I don't want them to leave
I have tried emailing and spamming both PC accounts but they aren't listening! I can't even tell my followers so I don't want to lose any and I'm not getting rid of my account so they have to fix this because this is ridiculous, I didn't think it still wouldn't be working for a week and counting
I know that you have collages waiting to be posted but maybe if you delete the app and then re-install it it might work.i will try it just to see
can you tell me if it works because I tried downloading it on another phone and I logged in but none of my collages were there
I tried it, no hope for me.πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­. none if my collages were there either when I deleted and then re-installed the app but I think that they weren't supposed to be there
maybe it would work on a different divice
I deleted PC then got it back no luck
I also went on private then came back no luck
I going to try going on private and then coming back
I don't want to lose anything again and I have tried contacting them because I didn't think It would still not be working after a week and idk what to do 😭
I'm really annoyed
They said there are trying to fix it "ASAP" but it's already been to long but I don't want to delete this 😀 I'm frustrated with this and I just lost some followers because of it πŸ˜’
did they say that?!
yeah in one of the messages back on Sunday they sent that but I hope they are actually trying to fix this because I know a lot of us keep emailing and spamming them with comments about and I will keep doing that until it works because I will be so mad if this goes on for me for two weeks
I think you just need to download it on a other divice,because I can now post on my school iPad but not at home because my school iPad stays at school
yeah I can post on my home ipad! it's our phones basically. what phones do h guys have? iPhone?
my phone could be the problem too but I can try something else maybe, I just checked my account and I lost another 20 followers 😭😭😭 it's not my fault this won't work
I don't have a phoneπŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’but I have iPads and the one I'm typing on right now is not letting me FRICKIN POST!!😑😑😑😑😀😀😀😀😀😑
I wish they would just fix this because waiting this long is ridiculous
I think I'm gonna leaveπŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­ it's too frustrating to not be able to post and your right,it os ridiculous
I meant is
I can't leave I've been on PC for three ears. that's before they introduced PC kids and sharing accs and all these lovely posts. they didn't even have featured at that time. I have many friends I can't leave. but I'm coping with text comment I'm worried that hopefully when we do eventually get remix Nd post back again I won't remix all the time I'll comment πŸ˜‚ since I'm so used to it and it's quick and easy.
I'm on my iPad btw rn
I need another device 😫 I have to borrow someone's so I can't do much
this is getting ridiculous now
oh yeah and I'm trying to email them but they take forever to respond
can u remix?
sadly no, it's been three weeks and I can only post on a temperature device on certain days so I still can't post