it would mean a lot


it would mean a lot

15 0
Thank you 💕
ok i’m like 2 weeks late to respond but i read about it afterwards and found the same thing online 🥴 i did think i was depressed a little while back (like summer of 2018 i think) but things have gotten a lot better since then and i’m doing a lot better now! i still get little like spurts of being sad for no real reason (like that lol) but they’re a lot more manageable now :) tysm for your concern, it really means a lot 🥰
*copy and paste* Hello 👋 amazing collager!! Hope you’re having a wonderful 💕 day/night! I am current hosting a celebrity contest to celebrate 500 and would love for you to join! The teams are team Shawn, Ariana, Taylor, Billie, Justin, and Camila! Hope you can join! I’m sorry 😐 about this very long message, please spread the news! ♥️kanani_girl33
Yeah wellll this is America😂
Hello people! Just a message to remind you that you are amazing just the way you are and never change for anyone! Have an AMAZING day! ♥️😝✌️😍