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Sky: Wanna know something thats my oc Charlie's pic😂😂😂
Rayian: cool
Sky: xD
Rayian: Get the fûck away from me.
Sky: .__. Rude
Wind:HEEEEYYYY RAYIAN MEET MIDNIGHT! *Midnight teleports right by me, and I disappear* Midnight:GOOD LORD, WIND, WARN ME BEFORE I TELEPORT! *She sighs*
Midnight:So, um... Good day, Mr...?
Rayian:* Looks at her* what do you want
Rayian: no just get away from me
Midnight:I just want to leave. That scoundrel wind teleported me here. *Speaks with an accent*
Rayian: the leave
Midnight:*Stares at him wih her piercing midnight blue eyes* I would if I could. I can't currently teleport. My powers aren't working.
Rayian:* stares back with eyes that are saying help me* DÃ mn
Midnight:*Her ears flick* You okay? *Senses something is wrong*
Rayian: yeah I'm fine* lies*
Midnight:You can't fool me. What's wrong?
Rayian: I told you I'm fine
Midnight:*Gives him a look that says "Tell the truth"*
Rayian:* hangs head* it's nothing
Midnight:*Walks over to him* I've met millions of people in the millenia that I've lived. I've learned how to tell when someone is upset. You can tell me.
Rayian:* clenches fist* it's nothing
Midnight:If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. But if you do want to talk, I'll be in the forest. *She teleports to the forest*
Rayian:* cries silently and mumbles* why can't I tell her
Midnight:Well... thousands of years, I've been alive, and I still can't talk to guys.
Rayian: Screw life* holds up a gun to my head*
Midnight:*Senses something wrong* No, no, no, no! *Teleports next to him and quickly snatches the gun away* You can't kill yourself! Please!
Rayian:* looks at her tears streaming down his face* Why
Midnight:Because... there's too much death in this world...*She hugs him* And even though I just met you, I care about you.
Rayian: thanks. no one has said that to me
Midnight:*Lets go* No problem. *Her face is slightly reddish*
Rayian:* kisses her cuz she is a lesbian *
Midnight:*Blushes bright red* (oml I just realized that Rayian is a girl... I feel dumb. but the good thing is that Midnight is Bisexual)
Rayian:* keeps kissing her*
Midnight:*Kisses back, her face bright red*
Rayian:* adds tongue*
Midnight:*Pulls away, her face bright red* I, um...
Rayian: sorry.
Midnight:I just...
Wind:I ship it, btw
Rayian:* blushes for embarrassed *
Sage:AHAHAHAHAH ME TOO! (btw Raven I think I told u already, but Sage and I are the same person hurhru)
( what? I is confused)
Midnight:I've never been kissed before...
(boi I know u is Raven... the red font and black background gave it away)
( yeah)
(wait were you confused on me calling u Raven or me saying I am Sage plant)
Rayian: sorry this was my first too
Midnight:Nah, it's not your fault...
Rayian: and it's not your fault
(I gtg)
Midnight:(also just a quick heads up(cause I saw the other roleplay... not gonna judge) I don't do dirty roleplays)I blame that tree. *She points to a tree*
( k) Rayian: lol
(wait apparently I don't have to go)Midnight:Evil tree... *Taps the tree and the word evil is instantly carved into the bark*
Rayian: cool
Midnight:Thanks. One of the perks of being a wolf spirit...
Rayian: cool
Midnight:*Smiles* (frick hold on... my arm is bleeding)
Rayian:* smiles back*
Midnight:*Ears flick* So... (back)
Rayian: yeah
Midnight:*Has no idea what to say next*
(hehe both passwords for your accounts are the same... hurhru)
Rayian: want to go on a date?
Midnight:I-I don't know... s-sure?
Rayian: okay
Rayian: how about........( gtg(
Midnight:...? (k)
( nvm) Rayian: Brewsters?
Midnight:What's that? (okie)
Rayian: it's a really good restaurant
Midnight:Sounds great!
Rayian:* smiles* yeah
Midnight:*Thinks to self* ~I'm not sure I want to date her... because she's a mortal... and I'm not...