\\What a shame Loiuse's bride is an Austrian Whôre// #TooMuchHistory But man how do I have so many likes, um?¿ And I gained over a hundred followers in a month... THNKS FR THE FLLWRS


\\What a shame Loiuse's bride is an Austrian Whôre// #TooMuchHistory But man how do I have so many likes, um?¿ And I gained over a hundred followers in a month... THNKS FR THE FLLWRS

59 0
this is beautiful
Thank you!
@caption because your collages are golden!🙌 (This is really cool by the way!🌟)
Aww thanks ☺️💕
#Perfect Lol!
aww thanks I 💖 yours too! especially the PHANDOM ones 👦🏽👅
What is -MYSTIFIED-'s hate page on watt pad
this is very aesthetically pleasing.☺️💦🙌🏻🍃
yeah, I finally just screenshotted it. I was so mad! those words should not be blocked.they aren't even bad words! it makes me infuriated!
I'm really not being hateful, I just want to try and help the people who feel offended by her collages and speak out against the nasty things she says