Another PC only edit... rate?
Just finished a geography project...
Yaaaaaay school
And only a few days til the election... greeeaaaat.
Be honest, who do you thing is better? Rant in the comments, Hillary or trump.


Click Another PC only edit... rate? Just finished a geography project... Yaaaaaay school And only a few days til the election... greeeaaaat. Be honest, who do you thing is better? Rant in the comments, Hillary or trump.

79 0
re// Thhhank you.
thank you💕
hillary tbh
I don't live in America, but I prefer Hilary.
HILLARY PLZ. trump is like this orange with a yellow wig and hillary has GOOD MAKEUP. and trump goes "she doesnt have the looks to be president" LIKE WHAAAAT. also trump thinks he can build a wall between the U.S. and mexico as if its HIS PROPERTY. i don't understand i just dont. also he says he can "make america great again" by kicking out half the population (aka the mexicans and muslims) and that makes no sense !?!? sorry for the long rant im just so annoyed by life.
omg yes ^ but my cat would make a better president than either of them tbh. and trump needs to shut the hêll up about hillary's looks. Dude it's not PRESCHOOL. And he's not that good looking himself, like come ON. I honestly think my cat would make a better president. I'm sorry, these people get on my nerves ^-^
I love this so much