u no tfw u 8 almost all ur candy & the candy that's left is shîtty and mushy and crâp and u just kinda sit there contemplating life and realize that you are the shîtty, mushy, crâp candy in human form


u no tfw u 8 almost all ur candy & the candy that's left is shîtty and mushy and crâp and u just kinda sit there contemplating life and realize that you are the shîtty, mushy, crâp candy in human form

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but candy is sweet and so are you
and you are not shïtty mushy cräp
I don't have a blank one sorry
@caption haha wow you just described me in a caption nice job
I mean maybe I'm not a shîtty, mushy, crâp candy but I mean
I'm definitely not King-size
probably not even fun-size
maybe I'm like
the drugs
yeah I'm the drugs
I have WeHeartIt and that's it...I know I'm l4m3 I'm not allowed to have many social media like instagraham and twizzler sorry
ok!! yes that is fine!! I have to ask my parents first but I'm sure it will be fine maybe??
oki they r fine with it :))
buT I can't give u my phone number so u have to text my iCloud which fitzybearcub@icloud.com
no ofc not ur fine