So I have great news, we are finally ready to release the collab, me and Abigail have been working on! We have made a icon collection! We have each designed 5 icons! We basically are gonna be "selling them" Basically you can pay likes for a icon! So stay


So I have great news, we are finally ready to release the collab, me and Abigail have been working on! We have made a icon collection! We have each designed 5 icons! We basically are gonna be "selling them" Basically you can pay likes for a icon! So stay

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I'm excited😘
^same! this is gonna to be so cool😱😆
hey how's the OTP of life??? (aka u & Cason)❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
yea I am like in the middle of the bachelorette rn (like my life rn is like the bachelorette)
yea basically I am choosing between Daniel and his BFF (the new kid I told u about that I kinda like)
which I think both kinda like me
yea its weird bc they are both my guy bffs