Wassup? Bucketlist #2.... I want a small apartment in London SOOO bad! Gtg ready for school now😭 7:00 is WAY too early to get up!!


Wassup? Bucketlist #2.... I want a small apartment in London SOOO bad! Gtg ready for school now😭 7:00 is WAY too early to get up!! ~Arliss

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poor u. Loudon County doesn't have school because of teacher work day. Unless your a teacher but I don't think you are
@beautiful_quotes_ lol. That must be awesome! We go to a private school, so we don't get many days off. We didn't get Columbus Day off either! Or what was that recent holiday in January???
OMG same! London is one of my fave cities! 😍😍😍
"Uses fake American accent" Actually I prefer coffee do you like fries?
@MissUrbanChicGal Yasss! I mean, what's not to love!