Wesley Morgan 🎲❣


Wesley Morgan 🎲❣

47 128
someone who understands😂 now days everyone seems to be taken tbh
sameeeee here man😂 but for me the worst thing is the songs like ahhhh the lyrics are so amazing but I just don't feel them.
Awww you too Wes😉😂 yea, LIKE WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? one song is happy the other depressing and I am like what is this mess?!
IKR! but I love them so much and once in a while I just wish I could understand... but then reality hits AND GOODBYE FANTSY😂 maybe love just isn't for me
aw is that Wes making a compliment?😂 I bet you'll find her I mean who wouldn't love a guy that rides swans?!😍
it kinda made me feel special😂😂 well they loose then.
your words are so sweet just like you (I'm quite smoother😜)
oh whatever you say evil queen😂 aren't you the fairest of them all as well?
thank you, thank you😂 I thought I was going to have to take your heart away to get that tittle but that would be a shame, such good hearts are not found everyday.
Awe I love you to my giant swan rider😘😂😂
well if you are lame then I love lame😂 can I be coda please? (if he were a girl)
hey I totally get it! everybody is literally all lovey Dovey and I'm over here like god ppl stop rubbing it in my face 😂
exactly! it's so stupid! 😂