There's this ice cream van that comes to where I live. It usually only comes in like, the summer but it just came here now...I don't understand why. It's literally freezing here and it's pitch black outside and it isn't even summer and like ?? Who eats ic


There's this ice cream van that comes to where I live. It usually only comes in like, the summer but it just came here now...I don't understand why. It's literally freezing here and it's pitch black outside and it isn't even summer and like ?? Who eats ic

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*Finishing caption* Who eats ice cream in winter?
It sells drugs.
It probably does...o.o
Don't let smol childs like Fil go ner it!
(When I tried to write "don't", I wrote "fpbd". Well done me on my typing skills.)
Yearh kep Fil aweh!!
((Fpbd. There's a new word for my vocabulary. I will use it wisely))
Same! It's how cool people dance in the club. cx
And I don't really know. It went away somewhere...Probably selling drugs to more smol kids.
Dan! Help por Fil frum the drug can!
Danyul, bring Fil to the ice crem! Not de drugs! Not druggy ic crem, jus regular ice cream!
Just mak Fil happy, not hi!
Hi dos not equal happy! Hi equals bad bad BAD. BAD LYF. GET HI ON MEMEZ, NOT DRUGS.
DRUGS? NAH. DAN HOWELL! *Throws Dan at ice cream drug selling person's face*
That's one way to do it.
Uh huh.