Be your
Own kind
Of beautiful


Be your Own kind Of beautiful

19 0
Thanks, it's not bullies though, it is school work and stuff like that😣
Yea, bullying is a big issue at my school...I'm in middle school
Thanks for the advice, and yes I'm in one of those 2
Cool, is it fun?
Yeah, I heard high school is a lot nicer:) Middle school sucks, but band is fun😂
😂 Basically the only thing I look forward to is band, English,and history😂😂
Yea, there are some things that are fun though:)
You're in band?
Yeah, I don't like math either, it is kinda boring😂
Yay!! People talk to me in History and they ask my what my favorite subjects are and I say those three, and they're like how? And I'm can you not like those three?!😂
😂Yeah, I wouldn't like history then😂😂
Are you gonna be on later? I have to charge's about to die😂