okay so today while I was skiing, we went under one of the lifts but I had to stop and wait for my fren (bc she fell oops) and this guy yelled I GOT A FREE STICKER down at me and I was like "oh good for you" and then he said "hello, it's me. I was wonderi


okay so today while I was skiing, we went under one of the lifts but I had to stop and wait for my fren (bc she fell oops) and this guy yelled I GOT A FREE STICKER down at me and I was like "oh good for you" and then he said "hello, it's me. I was wonderi

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finishing the caption : "hello, it's me. I was wondering if you would like to go to prom with me" AND OMG I LOST IT I didn't reply he was too far away but jfč it was hilarious.
I fell over from laughing omg
😂😂 That's amazing