Collage by aftereverthing-


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hey she’s in room 117 floor 6 *holds xena
yeah *nods and gets up* | *sees you and reaches for uou* x
mmh *hands her to uou* | *clings to you and smiles
*walks up to the room* | *clings* x | *sits in bed on my phone*
*stops at the door-8 I’ll wiat right here | *clings to you chewing on her fingers* | *on my phone k
*glances up and keeps looking at my phone* | *sees me and squeals* momma!
what *looks up
*sits there and plays with the corner of my phone case* | *sxks on her thumb and looks around*
n-no *says under my breath* please don’t..
can you come pick me up please
miss u