I literally love skating so freaking much!💖✨💘 I love to skate and it is like the best sport in the universe! ⛸⛸ READ COMMENTS!! ~Katie❣


I literally love skating so freaking much!💖✨💘 I love to skate and it is like the best sport in the universe! ⛸⛸ READ COMMENTS!! ~Katie❣

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I'm thinking about quitting or taking a small break😔. I'm just not getting as many likes as I was and I'm not really progressing that quickly like other (amazing) collagers. I'm also not getting that inspired and nothing is really getting me excited about PC. Also, (I'm so ashamed, I'm promoting myself🙈) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE vote for me for the pop page! It would be my dream to get on it before I quit (if I quit!)....... (this is NOT an April Fools prank because I HATE April Fools!). So yea.... much love to all ~Katie❣
sure! I love that quote❤️also I recommend taking a break, (like2-3weeks or so) because then after days of not-approaching-pc you'll find out if you're really passionate about PC and you miss it hugely or if you've lost interest.💕💐👣I support you in every way!:) xxx A
please don't
omg yay i just found out I'm on the same team as you are! :) go motavators❤️❤️❤️
I really don't want you to take a break, but if that's what you want..... You have been an inspiration to me since I joined my old account, I was always to scared to like one of your collages or follow you but then I started my account piccollage-princess and you followed me back (happiest moment of my life) If you want to take a break do....... But please come back if you do so you can inspire collagers, I actually made this account to do edits similar to yours because you mean that much...... So Katie if you take a break.... Promise you'll come back?
Wow! that was Long......
Hey guys!👋🏻 Just to let you know, the teams are out and the first round just began!💦 Check my page for the details!💕 Good luck to all of you!😘 Have fun! Check now because I have assigned roles for a three-person collab in this round, so you could be the starter!👑 Get a head start for your group!😉 Bye for now, tropical-skies💎
Have you ever thought of being in a joint account? This is your chance to sign up for one of the biggest! Please help get this message around PC and Pass it on!
aww hope you'll stay🙁 your account is really great!!!!💗💗💗