I hate you Słutena Hoêmez you're such an ugly little Bîtch you got no talent you just lie for fame you don't care about your fans you care about fûcking fame Whôre I bet you're the only one at your tour because you're a sneaky little słut


I hate you Słutena Hoêmez you're such an ugly little Bîtch you got no talent you just lie for fame you don't care about your fans you care about fûcking fame Whôre I bet you're the only one at your tour because you're a sneaky little słut

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this is actually funny no matter what you say won't make me feel less confident at least I'm being myself and that's who I wanna be I can't make everyone happy but love me or hate me I'll still love you because I love my haters too because you're a human too just like me and everyone else